Remediation Consulting

Managing and analyzing disaster events is critcal to recovery, and is best left to experienced professionals.
Task Force 7 brings what’s needed for a broad range of assessment and managerial tools for your group or community.
Theses are just a few of the areas we can help with your remediation consultation needs.

Assessments and
After-Action Reports

All discussion-based and operations-based exercises result in the development of an After-Action Report. This a document that summarizes the key points related to an evaluation. This document will include an overview of performance related to each exercise objective and associated core capabilities, while highlighting strengths and areas requiring improvement.

Consequence Analysis

A formal method of analysis used to determine the effect a specific Hazard will have on a national or a more specific community level. Used to further determine risk and costs.

Risk = Threat x Vulnerability x Consequence analysis

Debris Management Plans

Planning based around debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of disaster-damaged, publicly owned facilities and the facilities of certain Private Non-Profit (PNP) organizations.

Floodplain Management Plans

Floodplain management is a community-based effort to prevent or reduce the risk of flooding thus creating a more resilient community. This is accomplished when multiple stakeholders come together, such as, zoning, building codes, enforcement, and education. Plans are created in accordance with the guidelines set forth within the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), leading to safer, stronger, more resilient communities.

Root Cause Analysis

A proactive process used to determine the underlying deficiency which led to failure. A way of combating the disease not just the symptoms. This is commonly accomplished by answering the following questions. What happened, how did it happen, why did it happen, and what needs to be corrected. By creating a proactive RCA centered program you can limit the number of similar occurrences, environmental damages, injuries, and avoid unnecessary downtime and overhead from progress interruptions, emergency response and clean-up, increased regulations and audits.

Stakeholder Preparedness Reviews (SPR)

A self-assessment of the nation or communities’ current capability levels against targets identified in the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA). Using the information within the THIRA stakeholders can identify their current capability and assess whether it has improved or lost capability over the past year. The SPR also allows jurisdictions to identify potential planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise gaps and discuss their intentions to address these gaps while maintaining current capabilities.

Stormwater Management Plans

Task Force 7 can help create a plan for you that is geared to assist in the reducing pollution and contamination during construction by enacting best management practices to control runoff of compromised property rainwater or melted snow into streets, lawns, culverts, rivers, lakes, etc.

Contact Task Force 7 today for your personal remediation consultation.